This Just Might Be The Most Important 12 Minutes Of Your Life




Important Note:  Keep in mind, I produced this video in 2018 in regard to Bitcoin. Yet, it is even more relevant today.  Only the numbers are much bigger. In fact, 35 times biggerWatch the video.  Read this rest of this page to find out how you can start to accept Bitcoin as payment as a digital publisher with a company called E1ULife


Why Crypto?


Simply Because Many Respected Financial Analyst Are Calling Bitcoin the Single Greatest Investment Opportunity In the History of Mankind


Dear Friend . . .


        Did you know that . . .


         According to a recent report by Bank of America Securities . . .


            If you had invested $1 in Bitcoin in February of 2011, it would now be worth more than $90,000.


Just one dollar!


        Even had you been lucky enough to have bought $1,000 worth of Bitcoins in July 2010, when the price was around five cents per coin, you would now have $287 million in Bitcoin



Crazy, right?          


          Listen . . .


          If you don't know by now.  You should. 


          Crypto-currency is the future of money.  It is now what the Internet was in  . . . say  . . . 1995. 


      Yes, my friend, we are still that early in this digital revolution.


 Remember this . . .  



          How did that work out for the naysayers?   


          Well, a lot of financial analysts are saying quite the opposite in regard to crypto.  Particularly Bitcoin, Ethereum and a host of other up and coming cryptos.


          With what many now consider to be the best hedge against inflation.  Ever.


Crypto Investing


            You've seen the climbing prices these day's, haven't you?



              It's 2022.  Remember, when you could go grab a bite to eat at McDonalds for yourself for under . . . say . . . five bucks.   A full meal and drink mind you. 


           Remember those long gone days.


          And, I'm not talking "Happy Meals."   I'm talking  one of their many number meals. 


            These days you're not getting out of there for much less than nine bucks per meal. 


          Question.  Has  your income doubled in that time?


          Of course not.   Not even close.     


          As you know, inflation is killing people's bank accounts, morale, and standard of living.


          And doing so relentlessly these days.  


          Have you noticed?  Have you?




           Sure you have.


           Quite frankly, the price of goods and services are going to continue to go up a lot more than the money most of us are making. 


           And . . .


           If you don't act fast, I truly believe it is going to leave a lot of people so far behind the eight ball, they may never catch up financially 


          I sincerely hope that you never become one of those people.


         Thus this website.   And my desire to help you enhance and grow your financial future 2022 style.  Regardless of your age.


         As further evidence.  A hundred dollars just isn't what it used to be.


         Even a dollar isn't what it used to be:



          Right now most of us rely on the "Not So" mighty dollar for financial remuneration.  To live on.  Subsist on.  Yet, today the dollar is a vastly devalued currency.


          As mentioned, one hundred dollars twenty years ago is easily like forty dollars today.


          In fact, the devaluation of the dollar is really the #1 problem when it comes to making money in America.


         Most of us are losing.  Why?


        Because yesterday and today, all the United States ever does is continue to print money and borrow money -- and it's getting worse.


            Think about it for a second.  How can anything ever be of value if you keep producing more and more of it.  It can't.  It's basic math.


           Need proof.  Did you know that in just one month in 2020 the United States federal government accumulated more debt than we did in 200 plus years from 1776 through 1979.   In one month!  


          That's crazy!



How A Simple Loaf of Bread Could Make You A Boatload of Money In 2022



           Let's make this dollar devaluation relative for the layman.  You know, give it some perspective.


           Do you realize one dollar in 1913 would buy you sixteen loafs of bread.  Sixteen!   Whereas today it wouldn't even buy you one loaf of bread


           Yet, with one Bitcoin it would buy you almost 17,000 loafs of bread compared to today's dollar value!


           The last time Bitcoin was $3.50 it was in May of 2011.  Keep in mind, as of this writing, one Bitcoin is hovering around $40 grand.


            That, my friend, is telling.


           What it really means is that the dollar we are all working our butts off for to support our families isn't doing much for any of us anymore. 


          In fact, it is much worse if you're someone that is just scrapping by during this never ending pandemic.


        Sadly the American dollar has fast lost its impact.  Since 1974 it has lost 90% of it's value.


           Which is why you're money sitting in a bank will be worth less in the future than it is right now


            As I ask. 


            Do you really want to stake your future in something that is as devalued as the dollar is in 2022?  Particularly if given a choice.


Well, Now You Don't Have To


How would an extra $1,000 or $2,000 a month, a week, or even a day change your life?


             And, be able to accept the money in Bitcoin?  Well, it can now happen.  For one . . .


We Couldn't Be Living At A Better Time



            We are living at an unprecedented time in regard to technology and innovation.


          A great time to make unlimited money from home - money from all over the world


          A shrinking world, mind you.  A time where we are all more connected than anytime in history. 


All from the tap of a screen.   


          A mobile device that now houses our music, our books, magazines, our main source for entertainment and information.


         Quite frankly, "Everything."


          You see, the Internet has leveled the playing field immensely for all participants


          Today starting a business is not nearly as expensive or cost prohibitive for the average person as it was years ago.  Because everything is digital.  A file.  Thus:


The Rise of the Little Guy


           Now you can connect with a vast and pervasive audience just as easily as the large companies.


           Now your success is not determined by someone else's decision.  A publisher.  A record company.  An agent.


          Why?  Because there's no middleman.  No decision maker controlling your destiny. 


            You control it.  We control it.




         Companies like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram simply create the platform for you to get exposure.


          Platforms that are creating millionaires from home.


          These platforms give us our own independence and freedom. Only limited by our own creativity.


           Likewise, the company I'm going to shortly share with you for this opportunity.  An opportunity where you literally name your desired income level.   


What's the Secret Sauce For Success


         Truthfully, it really wasn't until I figured out this simple concept, (in regard to these platforms) did my life really start to change financially.  


             My Eureka moment!


How To Really Change Your Life Financially?


           A lot of times people are looking for some esoteric magical formula when it comes to making money.  Some epic "Holy Grail" concept or idea. 


            When in reality it's very simple and straightforward


             Don't over think it.  This picture and diagram simplifies it:



            You have to consistently put yourself on the money receiving side of the money exchange equation.


          In other words, give people throughout the world the opportunity to send you unlimited amounts of money for your products or service.   


          Meaning . . .


          If you're the one always paying out money, you're not making money


         Eventually that dynamic has to change if you aspire true financial freedom.


            You must offer a product or service.  Create value for it


           Then get people to buy it or subscribe to it as a result of your marketing.  (More about that coming up).



          People will pay dearly to have their problems solved.


          Well, my friend, that is what this opportunity I'm going to share allows us. 


          The ability to be able to solve people's financial problems by allowing them to finally be on the "Money Receiving Side" of financial transactions.


           The company I'm talking about is called E1ULife.   


           It's a digital publishing platform that allows us to sell their many business minded digital e-courses online.

         It was created by Peter Wolfing back in 2016. Back in the 1980’s, Peter was a Sergeant in The US Marine Corps.



         Here's what I like most about the E1ULife opportunity. 


You Determine How Much You Want To Make Each Week!



          How much would you like to pocket in commissions?   You decide. 


         All the way up to $2,000 per.


         They actually have six levels that you can join.  However, you can only earn commissions up to the level you decide to join.


       Here are the following levels I recommend and make available . . .




How Are You Paid?



Or . . .



          E1ULife gives you two simple ways to get paid.


          You can use their credit card payment processing system.  Which will deposit the money right into your checking account.


          Or you can also accept Bitcoin as a form of payment.    However, to accept Bitcoin you would need join an exchange.


          I prefer Bitcoin because of it's incredible ten year record of appreciation.   And, as an inflation hedge. 


The Products


             Of course, you can't do all this without offering some sort of products or products.  


            However, because we are now living in a digital world . . .


All Products & Training Materials These Days Are Housed In Your Back Office


         E1ULife is no different.


         They are a digital publishing company that allows us to be able to leverage the power of the Internet from selling their digital courses.  We are affiliates for the company.


          How much training you will have access to will depend on the level you join. 


          Because I wanted to have access to all the commission levels, I joined at the top $2,500 level called Vertex Live


          When we share this training with others, E1ULife will compensate you very well.


         Remember, $250, $500, $1,000, and $2,000 commissions.  This can happen over and over again.


        I've always wanted to find something more revolutionary.  More current.  More cutting edge.  The future.


I Really Think It's The Combination of Digital Publishing & Crypto Investing


       That is precisely what E1ULife provides us with their unique 100% paying compensation plan.   A platform.  Wired to your bank account or crypto wallet. 



           For instance, this is what Bitcoin has done as investment compared to others over the last ten years.



           As you can see, nothing has been close as an appreciating asset


           Which is why it's the combination of direct response and crypto that can help change your life financially.


           It truly is a one of a kind opportunity that can really help make a difference in your lifestyle and future financial security.



Is Crypto Risky?




          Does it have dramatic ups and downs?  Yes.  Will it make year heart drop?  Yes. But in the end.  It has always rallied higher in the long run.  Always.    


            I guess my point is this . . . Bitcoin has been an incredible investment for those who jumped in early and held.   The key is holding.


          If you have questions, you can call me, Chris, at the following number.





          Please leave a message that you're calling in regard to E1ULife.   And the best time to reach you.


           We do get a lot of calls.  I'm night owl.   So it's best to reach more in the afternoon EST.   



  Then hit "Get Started."







*INCOME DISCLAIMER:  The results are not intended to serve as a guarantee of income or a solicitation. Success in this business requires dedication. The average participant in this business earns between $500 and $2,000 per year. Some earn less while some earn much more. Past performance doesn’t indicate future results.   Also crypto investing has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the crypto markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose .  See more detailed income disclaimer below.


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